Pets & Vets | Rightemp Home Services Inc - HVAC Experts

Service That Gives Back: Pets & Vets

Pets or Vets

We give 1% back of our monthly profits to organizations that support animal or veteran causes.

All donations will be made in our customers names.


Amy's Visit to Foster Army Animal Rescue

I was excited to have visited Foster Army Animal Rescue and meet Robin and her team. I went on a Saturday, which is their adoption day. I was able to meet some of the fostered pets and hear their stories. I was very moved by their organization and their efforts to care and foster the animals. They retrieve at risk dogs and cats from animal control facilities, place them in foster homes and provide essential medical treatments (including dental work & amputations), vaccines, wellness checks and spay and neuter surgeries. All of which is paid for by donations. Foster Army also has a store where the community can donate items, the profits they make from the sales goes to the animal rescues. I was very moved by all they do for the animals. Rightemp Home Services is so honored to have a partnership with them and look forward to being able to donate more to their cause.

Rightemp Home Services Sponsorship at Carry Forward 5K Run for Wounded Warriors Veterans in San Diego

It was an honor and a privilege to be a part of the Carry Forward 5K Run for Wounded Warriors Veterans in San Diego in 2022. We will continue our sponsorship in 2023 as well!

Veteran Owned
Rightemp Home Service
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